Baby Steps: Stress Less for Fertility
Are you stressed and trying to conceive?
Stress is an almost tangible feeling that many of us experience on a daily basis. We’re desperately trying to meet work deadlines while attempting to make everyone happy. We’re over-extending ourselves to the point where we’re constantly anxious and tense, which leads to complete exhaustion. And that state of “being” is detrimental to the health of anyone trying to conceive. Think about it, that’s some serious weight to carry and when you add infertility to the equation, it only intensifies those emotions and feelings.
My advice? Stress less for fertility! Yes, that’s so annoying of me to say. In fact, I actually really dislike when people to tell me this, but listen, my advice is to take baby steps when it comes to stressing less. Baby steps are small changes, maybe even hardly noticeable, but they free up your time and your mind in small ways. Who wouldn’t want more of that?
Baby Steps to Help Stress Less for Fertility:
- Stop the Mental Overload. Buy a notebook and pen to write down your thoughts and compile your lists. If you’re tech-savvy, you can certainly use your phone too for this. Jotting this info down on paper (or keypad) relieves some of that mental beat-down that happens when you’re trying hard to remember everything.
- Breathe. Oh yes, you heard me right, breathe. It’s something we don’t often think about, but it’s the key to relaxation. Focusing on your breath and “being in the moment” really works, just ask any yogi! In fact, just ask Katie Cavuto over at Nourish. Breathe. Thrive. And read her awesome post all about the power of one amazing breath!
- Exercise. Now, don’t go and run a marathon, but get out there (as long as your doctor ok’s it!) and use that breath to move your body. Exercise can boost your mood and beat stress and even the smallest amount can help. Move more, stress less!
- Read. Put down the scholarly journal or work-related text and pick up a really great book. Reading fun or interesting novels can help relax you and quiet you. No way are you stressed when you are quiet and relaxed!
- Make meals simple. Yes, stop trying to recreate the cover of Bon Appetit for dinner every night. And stop thinking that you have to cook every. single. night. You don’t! In fact, some of the best meals I’ve made have been leftovers or scraps of things left in my fridge. Make it easy and save the fancy cooking for when you have time to enjoy playing in the kitchen.
How About Some Simple Meal Ideas to Get You Started?
Don’t worry, I’ve got your back! These are all super easy and delicious! Stress less, my friends!
My lovely friend Liz has some simple recipes to help you stress less in the kitchen too! Take a deep breath and say “oooom.”
Sweet Potato Pie Greek Yogurt Parfait
And don’t forget about our friends over at RESOLVE. They offer support for anyone struggling with infertility! #startasking
Great post Sara. I love the stress management side of dealing with infertility. This speaks volumes to what we all need to do in general to for better total wellness!
Thanks Liz! I hope it’s helpful!!!
Great stress reducing tips! I remember when people would tell me stop stressing so much and maybe you’ll get pregnant. I wanted to scream! It def plays a role, but it’s very challenging when you’re in the throws of treatments.
Deep breathing is so important for stress relief. I also agree with what Jessica says. Sometimes trying to reduce stress is stressful!!
Janice! You’re right on every level! Stress less, but don’t let it stress you more! 😉
Great tips! Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things like BREATHING!
Thanks so much Caroline! Yes, we do forget to do the easy things that can really help!
Love this post! All of these things really help me not stress 🙂 I love the idea of having little “treats” that you give yourself during stressful times.. Like a new candle, great smelling bubble bath soap, new library book, etc. Things a that are healthy and free or very cheap but can turn your mood around!
Kim! I love that idea! Yes, those little “treats” can be so awesome. Thank you for sharing!