Boston, I Had Lobster And A Lot of Fun!
It started off innocent enough, a friend, who you’ll get to know in a minute, emailed me a few days before the big Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (aka – FNCE, a kind of big deal to us nutrition professionals) wanting to know if I wanted to meet up at some point. A fellow culinary dietitian and instant friend upon meeting a few years ago, of course I said “yes!” But what, oh what should we do we wondered? Ha! EAT lobster, of course!
I’m from the midwest, and because of that, I don’t get my hands on lobster too often. And by often, I mean never. So when we started discussing food, I immediately thought of a seafood restaurant I had been to years ago with my husband. My friend, Erin Weber, kindly made the reservation and the plan was in place! And I couldn’t wait.
Deviate From the Plan?
But what happened next was the best. We met up as scheduled and started our lovely stroll towards the restaurant. We were chatting and talking about the periodic table of elements (no, we absolutely were not doing that! Ha!) when we came across a place that made us both stop. “What’s this place?” we both asked. This is what we saw:
James Hook and Company
So of course we had to stop. I looked at Erin and said, “should we go here?” And she, being the ever-gracious person that she is said, “I’ll do whatever you want.” Then, we thought a little and of course decided to choose this place over the fancy, sit-down restaurant. And we didn’t regret it!
Selfie Time!
Yup, so that’s us above. Getting ready to eat some serious seafood. And wait, Erin, what’s that above your head???
Hand Me That Lahhhhbsta’
Or wait, maybe don’t. The lobster-monger offered to let me hold a “lahhbsta” so of course, I said “you betcha!” And you know what, that dude was huge! I mean 9 pounds of Atlantic coast goodness. And he didn’t want to let go of me. (See below).
And Then We Ate
Look at Erin! So happy and she has a similar picture of me looking equally happy! We both agreed this was the best non-plan we’ve ever had! I loved everything about this place – from the low key shack/mobile that housed the lobster tanks and kitchen, to the picnic tables and crazy bird friends we made. It was just plain awesome. It clearly goes to show that the saying “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry,” is just not always true!
Thank You For the Lobster
So, that’s it, just a story about a fun food adventure in Boston with a fun friend. Next time you’re there, don’t skip out on going to James Hook and Company, you won’t regret it! I mean, look at that huge chunk of delicious lobster meat! Sigh, wish I was still there!!!
AWWW! I love this!! I was relieving our glorious adventure the whole time I was reading this!! Nothing beats an afternoon with good food and great friends!!! Can’t wait to see you again! Who knows what random food adventure we will embark on next!! Culinary RDs rule 🙂
I love it! Isn’t Boston fun? Loved the Fish Pier, eating outside, and of course the seafood!
Looks like you had a great adventure my friend!