I really love cookbooks, don’t you? And I especially love cookbooks that are written well and full of amazing recipes. Those can sometimes be hard to find. That’s why, when I stumble across them, I have to tell YOU about them. My current love is the book Whole Cooking and Nutrition written by Katie Cavuto, MS, RD. I’ve got the details all about it my my cookbook review!
Let’s Work Together!
Chef | Dietitian | Author | Food Photography | Media Authority
My Services Include
Recipe Development and Modification
Food Styling and Food Photography
Culinary Instruction
Cooking Demonstration
Speaking Engagements & Events
Brand Representation
TV Appearances
Virtual Nutrition Consultation
Please e-mail me at shaasRD@gmail.com to discuss potential collaborations.
Do you love eggs in the morning? Me too! But how often do you find yourself wishing eggs were easier to make? Sure, you’ve scrambled and poached them, but I’ve got a recipe for cooking eggs that’s faster, requires less hands-on time and isn’t messy! What is is?! Why, Simple Baked Eggs with Spinach and Salsa!
Nourish. I’ve spent 100% of my time in my nutrition career talking ad nauseam about nutrition, but probably only 25% of that time using the word nourish. Isn’t that ironic? How could this important word get so little fan-fare in my every day “spiel” – the one that I use to encourage people to live better lives through consuming more nutritious foods!? Blasphemy! Why does this word mean so much to me now, more than ever? Because my co-conspirator, Elizabeth Shaw and I, are about ready to revel our Fertility Foods Cookbook that’s all about NOURISHING yourself!
I love Halloween, I really do. When I was a kid I would go trick-or-treating with my dad and drag him to EVERY SINGLE house in our neighborhood, which was a lot of houses. He never once complained and always let me stay out just a little bit longer so that I could hit the house that wasn’t so close, but had really awesome Halloween candy. So does that mean I love candy? Oh yes, yes it does. But wait, I’m a dietitian! Yes, yes I am.
Fancy a few superfoods? Well, then you need this Chickpea Turmeric Quinoa Bowl!
When you’re a food that’s lumped in the category of “super foods,” you must feel pretty fantastic. There’s likely plenty of publicity and notoriety along with hoards of people flocking to get your autograph. Ok, maybe it’s not quite like that, but I sure love the idea of food celebrities, don’t you? Kale and blueberries slipping into limos while shielding their eyes from the flash bulbs of the paparazzi. Fun!
It started off innocent enough, a friend, who you’ll get to know in a minute, emailed me a few days before the big Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (aka – FNCE, a kind of big deal to us nutrition professionals) wanting to know if I wanted to meet up at some point. A fellow culinary dietitian and instant friend upon meeting a few years ago, of course I said “yes!” But what, oh what should we do we wondered? Ha! EAT lobster, of course!
I like toast, I really do. Why do I love it? Because it’s the perfect platform for so many other nourishing foods. And when I’m encouraging people to try new foods (such as beans), I love to incorporate something familiar. Enter toast.
Are you bored with your snack? It’s ok, snack boredom happens. Luckily for you, I’ve got you covered when it comes to your craving for anything and everything “pumpkin spice” with this super easy to make Pumpkin Spice Snack Mix. It’s got a little bit of sweetness and a whole lot of satisfying crunch!
I have a new love and his name is cardamom. No, he is not an eccentric Italian painter (but what a cool name for an eccentric Italian painter, right?), he is a spice. And he is simply magical in this Cardamom Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal.
In celebration of our Fertility Friday series, I made muffins! And not just any muffins, but Whole Grain Banana Nut Muffins! Why the celebration you ask? Because infertility is tough and sometimes, you just need a celebration (distraction) and a muffin.