Kitchen Kids Collaboration
Here’s what you may or may not know about me, I love kids. I do, in fact, I wish I was one. I totally agree with that saying that “youth is wasted on the young.” Oh to go back and play with Barbies all day or run barefoot through the grass at dusk, trying to catch fireflies in a jar. Sounds pretty perfect, right? Well, I know I can’t go back, but that’s ok, because what I can do is help make a difference for our kids. Because besides loving kids, I love food. And that leads me to this year’s August celebration of Kids in the Kitchen 2017! I also like to think of it as the “Kitchen Kids Collaboration.” A true celebration of kids in the kitchen – teaching them the basic life skill of cooking – so that they can become “kitchen kids.” And to help me, I’ve enlisted the skills and smarts of some pretty cool people, including America’s Test Kitchen!
Kids in the Kitchen 2017 – Kitchen Kids Collaboration
Here’s what this celebration is all about – kids!!! I bet you guessed that already, right? Well, here’s the deal, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics so awesomely designated August as Kids Eat Right Month. A time for everyone to focus on our kids – teach them to make good choices when it comes to food and of course, teach them to cook or at least make a mess in the kitchen! So to honor the good work of the Academy, Jessica Levinson and I are running a month-long soiree of sorts. Each day you’ll get a new tip, trick, recipe, etc from one of our favorite RD’s or nutrition-focused foodies! They’ll come in the form of blog posts, tweets, IG posts – but they’ll all be geared to inspire you and your kids to spend some time together! So stay tuned for all of that and follow the hashtags #kidsinthekitchen, #kidseatright, #kitchenkids so you don’t miss a single minute of the fun!
Rejoice! The Complete Make-Ahead Cookbook is Here!
So just to add to the fun, I’ve partnered wth America’s Test Kitchen (I know, awesome, right?), to give away a copy of their newly released “The Complete Make-Ahead Cookbook.” I can just hear your cheers and see you jumping out of your chair in pure joy. Rightly so, because this book is designed to make your life easier. For real, it is.

photo curtesy of America’s Test Kitchen
This Cookbook Works For You!
Seriously, it does. I don’t think a single page in this book is unnecessary, because it’s literally all so useful. Besides all of the pretty, delicious pictures of food, you’ll get 500 recipes all vetted by America’s Test Kitchen. And you know the recipes will be good because they’ve been tested and perfected. I love them for that! Also, true to the name, this book helps you save time by giving tips on every recipe for how “To Make Ahead.” And these tips include everything from how long you can freeze something to re-heating information. And there’s food in here for everyone – even the vegetarians in the family!

photo curtesy of America’s Test Kitchen
And the Winner is…
Hopefully YOU! All you have to do is head on over to my Instagram account (@cookinRD) and be on the lookout for my post that mentions this giveaway and follow all of the instructions! Good luck! I hope you win!

photo curtesy of America’s Test Kitchen
Kitchen Kids Unite!
Settle in, it’s going to be a really fun month! And remember, follow those hashtags so that you get all of the great info we’ll be sharing! And for a little more fun, how about share a pic of your little chef in action and share it with us! Use the hashtag #kitchenkids too and we’ll see if we can find a way to highlight them! Thank you all and enjoy the series!
Disclaimer: I was given a copy of The Complete Make Ahead Cookbook for review, but did not receive any payment for writing this post. The giveaway is a generous gift of America’s Test Kitchen.
That cookbook looks amazing! Happy #KitchenKids month! 🙂
Yay! It is amazing! And Happy #KitchenKids month to you too!
Love this series and your passion for KER!
Awe, thanks so much friend! So happy to have your unconditional love and support!
Best kid ever! And I’m not just saying this because I’m your mother!