Sara Haas, RDN, LDN

Natural Baby Food Book Review


Moms and dads, listen up! This book might just save your life!

How can a book save your life? Because if you’re anything like me, sometimes you are too tired, too over-whelmed and too strapped for time to figure out what to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enter Natural Baby Food by Dr. Sonali Ruder!

Dr. Ruder to the rescue! Not only does she provide a myriad of amazing recipes, but they are wholesome recipes that you can feel good about feeding your babies and toddlers. What makes them even better – they’re delicious enough to please adult palates too! That’s right! So that means you don’t need to make separate meals for you and separate meals for your kids. Instead, you can all sit down together and eat the same food. A practice that’s encouraged among dietitians and physicians! 

Feeling too tired?

Of course you are! Middle-of-the night wake-ups and crazy sleep schedules can leave you feeling exhausted. You may be enticed to give in to bad food habits when you feel tired, but I encourage you to reach for Natural Baby Food instead! Why? Because there are plenty of recipes that require minimal (and sometimes only ONE!) ingredients. That’s totally manageable for even the most tired of parents! Purple Power anyone?

Image courtesy of Dr. Sonali Ruder

Feeling too over-whelmed?

That’s normal! Having to feed a bunch of hungry mouths can make you feel that way. Take control of the situation by making big batches of the recipes in the book, freeze them and then you’ll have them ready for when life gets crazy.

Feeling strapped for time?

Instead of heading to the drive-through, spend that time picking up the ingredients for 1 of her simple recipes (provide name here). Then, when you get home, have your partner help you prepare it. Keep your baby entertained by propping her/him in the high-chair so they have a great view of you two working in the kitchen! Or have older children help too, especially with this recipe for Crispy Baked Zucchini Fries!

Image courtesy of Dr. Sonali Ruder

Now, go enjoy your family!

Here’s what I love about Sonali – she’s a mom, so she gets it! That’s why she made the book, so that you could have more time with your family all while providing wholesome foods for them to enjoy. So head on over to Sonali’s wonderful blog, The Foodie Physician, and get your hands on her amazing cookbook today! Even though I was gifted this book as part of a blogger promotion, I would have purchased it anyway!

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