There are 3 things you should know about me. 1) I love chocolate 2) I love brownies and 3) I LOVE Halloween! I made these Thick, Double Chocolate Brownies to celebrate all of my loves!
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There are 3 things you should know about me. 1) I love chocolate 2) I love brownies and 3) I LOVE Halloween! I made these Thick, Double Chocolate Brownies to celebrate all of my loves!
I love Halloween, I really do. When I was a kid I would go trick-or-treating with my dad and drag him to EVERY SINGLE house in our neighborhood, which was a lot of houses. He never once complained and always let me stay out just a little bit longer so that I could hit the house that wasn’t so close, but had really awesome Halloween candy. So does that mean I love candy? Oh yes, yes it does. But wait, I’m a dietitian! Yes, yes I am.