Fertility Feature: Infertility Awareness in the News!
We are so happy to announce that we’re not the only ones talking about infertility this week. So many great people are sharing their stories through the news and media and we wanted to take today to highlight a few with you.
Before you head on over to Liz’s site for her amazing round-up of the latest “buzz” and news surrounding infertility, I thought I would share some of my reflections.
Reflections on Infertility
I – Isolating. Even though you often feel isolated in this journey, please know you are NEVER alone! Liz and I are here to prove that! And Resolve is an amazing resource that can help you find support in your area.
F – Futile. It may seem that your attempts at conceiving are futile. That all of the work you’re putting in isn’t paying off. But, we encourage you to have hope and to focus on the things you can control and the things that make you happy. Hard to do, we know, but definitely worth the effort.
E – Emotional. You knew this one already. One day you’re the happiest you’ve ever been and the next, you’re crying in your pillow. Infertility is an emotional journey! Gain support from friends, family and US! 🙂
R – Rest. Yes, you heard me. Rest yourself. Nurture yourself. So many times we’re so busy caring for others, that we forget about ourselves. It’s ok to take a break, to take a deep breath and relax.
T – Time. It may often feel like time is working against you. But I encourage you to think differently. Realize that time is something you don’t have control over. So live in the moment, live in the now.
I – Intimate. Maybe not the word you’re thinking of, but it’s true. This is an intimate journey – so very personal. Honor that and the emotions that come with it.
L – Love. This is a journey that needs to have a foundation that starts with love. Take this time to nuture your relationship with your significant other. Build a strong base to bring that baby home to!
E – Enlightening. I have learned more about myself and others than I ever thought I would through my journey with infertility. Enlightening doesn’t seem like a strong enough word for that gift. I’ve been blessed with a journey full of “aha” moments that have made me a better mother, wife, daughter, sister and person, in general.
Click here to head over to Shaw Simple Swaps for her amazing fertility feature today!