T-Shirts for You and Your Little Sous Chef!
So, yeah, I created a t-shirt. Nope, make that TWO t-shirts. Why? Well, simply because I thought it would be super fun. I thought there couldn’t be anything more awesome than celebrating my love of tacos and my little sous chef!
But first, tacos!
Believe it or not, this t-shirt dream of mine began over a year ago. I wanted to make one for another project, which is, um, still in the works. But I just could not let my dream die and thought, “man, it would be fun to make a t-shirt to go with my taco cookbook.” That’s a normal thought, right? HA! Well, so I brainstormed with my better half and he actually came up with ‘be tacoriginal!’ And I love it! Because the book is all about how you can turn anything into a taco…don’t be taco-ordinary! Be TACORIGINAL! So yeah, make your taco fun – make it an expression of you!!! 🙂
But, the little sous chef!
Well, one was simply not enough. There’s no way I’d be where I am today and be the woman I am today without my little comrade in the kitchen, my little sous chef! She’s my right-hand lady and I wanted to celebrate her and all of the other little sous chefs out there! So, yep, I designed a little sous chef t-shirt too!
No way you did this yourself!
Of course not!!! I owe a BIG THANK YOU to Colleen and Colleen of Mama Said Tees for helping all of my dreams come true! They make their own line of clothing that I adore! And they are all about spreading kindness, which we could all do a little more of! So be sure you check out their shop and pick up some gear and SPREAD KIND!!!
How do we buy your t-shirts?
That’s a great question! If you haven’t caught the embedded links in this post, then here you go!!!